Thursday 13 December 2012

Sunday 9 December 2012


We all love to read comics...Awww...a lot of ..those pink days of childhood...missing!

Sunday 2 December 2012

day n night

u r my light...u r my day...u r my everything...

Thursday 4 October 2012

Hell Outta There!

Made this poster in illustrator from one of the tuts i saw on Internet showing how to use Texture in It.
Changed pencil drawing of car into silhouette by live trace..a very useful tool i miss in earlier version of Illustrator.

Many of my friends drive home after drinking n i don't know how they managed?? It is not safe_we all
be safe n loved!

Wednesday 3 October 2012


comics book cover design from a tut on great master INTERNET.

Monday 1 October 2012

The Golden Ratio

Dating back to the Renaissance art period, the golden ratio is simply a mathematical ratio that’s
widespread in nature, and which tends to give compositions an aesthetically pleasing balance.
Everything from an oil painting to a web design can use the ratio. The ratio is fairly close to (but
not exactly) a two-thirds to one-third split, as u see here.^

Wednesday 26 September 2012


Come to nature.Play with green .Live poster design concept.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

SHOES(need new pair)

I with my friend were looking for new shoes today . Rate was high but shoes were fantastic.
We couldn't buy but made this here.Also used 3D with 2D.Who made illustrator?
luv n wishes!

Monday 24 September 2012


poster design concept....but it's true Sometimes..wat do u say?

Sunday 16 September 2012


INTERNET is the true master.
This raygun I made from a tut by Chris Spooner_such a great Designer.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

little Johnny!

Rain rain go away,
Come again another day.
Little Johnny wants to play...

Sunday 9 September 2012

T time

alone..have some tea. together...have some tea.

Tea is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world, exceeded only by the most necessary of all liquids - water. Tea is an integral part of everyday societal life in many of the world’s most populous countries. This has made tea the most popular beverage for a huge swath of the world’s people.

  • Help fight against mutagenic agents
  • Delay aging
  • Help fight high blood pressure
  • Help fight against viral and bacterial infection
  • Help improve the functions of the digestive and excretory systems
To sum it up - by drinking 2-4 cups a day of tea, you can reap in the numerous curative and preventive tea benefits.

Saturday 11 August 2012


I was making brush in Illustrator and accidentally made some Robots..yeah..  we're living in modern time.
They are lovely u all.

Monday 6 August 2012

color me Red

colored with color pencil,,it was fun coloring this man.We all are child inside!!

Saturday 4 August 2012

Friday 6 July 2012

Best Friend

                  Made this on a rough piece of paper and see how it turned out as a nice texture...By accident many new things happen,,,just do boy!!
                  Above all else, dogs deserve gentle handling and an abundance of our time and attention. Love can make a dog's world go round as much as love makes our world go round. When we give our love freely to our dogs, we receive their love in return. Dogs can truly be man's and woman's and children's best friends, and we should feel honored to be theirs, as well.

Friday 22 June 2012


Water-Color first time...wonderful experience...wanna do more,,,luv n luv :)

Thursday 21 June 2012

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Saturday 5 May 2012

spider n man

long time huh!!...I was on journey from inside to outside and vice-verse..WHaT i got...nothing....One thing
"Art will NEVER die"    .....luv from the Heart,,,,,

Wednesday 22 February 2012

music (i)n me

Enjoying my time, come closer,,,hear the Music,listen the You!!

Thursday 26 January 2012


Portrait drawing for one of my friend...

"Where should I live"

Going green is easier than you think. There are little things you can do every day to help reduce greenhouse gases and make a less harmful impact on the environment. Taking care of the Earth is not just a responsibility -- it's a privilege.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Monday 16 January 2012


"Nature is fuel for the soul"
Connecting with nature can improve your health and wellbeing, say researchers in this week's British Medical Journal. The theory is known as ecotherapy: restoring health through contact with nature.


Sunday 15 January 2012


When we'll understand,,,,,,?

  • Four trees planted around a home can save up to 30% on summer cooling costs.
  • One million trees save $10 million a year in energy costs.
  • Forty trees remove 80 pounds of air pollutants annually.
  • Four million trees can save $20 million in air pollution clean up.
  • Four hundred trees capture 140,000 gallons of rainwater annually.
  • Four million trees save $14 million dollars in annual storm water runoff costs.
  • Trees in commercial parking lots induce shoppers to spend 11% more for goods and services.
 A tree, over a 50-year period, will generate $31,250 worth of oxygen, provide $62,000 worth of air pollution control, and recycle $37,500 worth of water.


Friday 13 January 2012

Saturday 7 January 2012

note this..

I keep note book n pen always.I write ideas that come as  flash n go somewhere i don't know...I draw , sketch or doodle.I use it as plate when i sip I write poem and anything that comes in the way.....Many times I write or draw nothing n just keep it as an item.WTF!!!