Thursday 4 October 2012

Hell Outta There!

Made this poster in illustrator from one of the tuts i saw on Internet showing how to use Texture in It.
Changed pencil drawing of car into silhouette by live trace..a very useful tool i miss in earlier version of Illustrator.

Many of my friends drive home after drinking n i don't know how they managed?? It is not safe_we all
be safe n loved!

Wednesday 3 October 2012


comics book cover design from a tut on great master INTERNET.

Monday 1 October 2012

The Golden Ratio

Dating back to the Renaissance art period, the golden ratio is simply a mathematical ratio that’s
widespread in nature, and which tends to give compositions an aesthetically pleasing balance.
Everything from an oil painting to a web design can use the ratio. The ratio is fairly close to (but
not exactly) a two-thirds to one-third split, as u see here.^